Longest valid Parentheses

Longest valid Parentheses

Given a string consisting of opening and closing parenthesis, find length of the longest valid parenthesis substring.

Input : ((()
Output : 2

Input: )()())
Output : 4

Input: ()(()))))
Output: 6


  • We will stack to maintain index of all opening brackets “(“.
  • When we encounter “(” we’ll push index of this in stack
  • When we encounter “)” then there could be there possible cases
    • Case 1. Stack is already empty
      • means all valid parenthesis already consumed and after this new start
    • Case 2. After pop element from stack, it becomes empty
    • Case 3. And even after poping from stack is not empty.
  • Create empty stack
  • Set maxLen = 0, last = -1
  • Iterate parenthesis from start to end
    • If currentCharacter is "(" then
      • stack.push(i)
    • Else
      • If stack is empty then,
        • last = i
      • Else
        • stack.pop
        • If stack is empty then,
          • maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - last)
        • Else
          • maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - stack.peek())
  • Return maxLen

Latest Source Code:
Github: LongestValidParentheses.java


Longest Valid Parentheses of ((() :2
Longest Valid Parentheses of )()())()()()() :8
Longest Valid Parentheses of ()(())))) :6
Longest Valid Parentheses of )()()) :4
Longest Valid Parentheses of ()()() :6
Longest Valid Parentheses of  :0
Longest Valid Parentheses of (((( :0
Longest Valid Parentheses of (((() :2
Longest Valid Parentheses of (((())( :4
Longest Valid Parentheses of ()(() :2
Longest Valid Parentheses of ()(()) :6
Author: Hrishikesh Mishra