Create Expression Tree

Create Expression Tree

Expression tree is a binary tree in which each internal node corresponds to operator and each leaf node corresponds to operand.


  • Fist convert infix to postfix
  • Iterate postfix expression with stack
  1. Create stack
  2. Iterate expression string from start to end
  3. If currentCharacter is operand then
    1. Create Binary Tree Node with this operand
    2. stack.push(node)
  4. Else
    1. operand1 = stack.pop
    2. operand2 = stack.pop
    3. create node with currentCharacter
    4. node.left = operand2
    5. node.right = operand1
    6. stack.push(node)
  5. return stack.pop

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Infix: A + B * C + D
Expression Tree 
      / \       
     /   \      
    /     \     
   /       \    
   +       D       
  / \           
 /   \          
 A   *           
    / \         
    B C         

Infix: (A + B) * (C + D)
Expression Tree 
  / \   
 /   \  
 +   +   
/ \ / \ 
A B C D 

Infix: A * B + C * D
Expression Tree 
  / \   
 /   \  
 *   *   
/ \ / \ 
A B C D 

Infix: A + B + C + D
Expression Tree 
      / \       
     /   \      
    /     \     
   /       \    
   +       D       
  / \           
 /   \          
 +   C           
/ \             
A B             
Author: Hrishikesh Mishra